owned + operated
Court Reporters:
Striving for perfection
Achieving excellence
Court Reporting
Accurate Transcripts Provided As Promised
WizCap’s team is ready to bring its experience to the following venues, in person or remotely:
Questionings for Discovery/Questionings on Affidavits
Examinations Under Oath
Civil & Criminal Trials
Conventions & Seminars
Your evidentiary needs are met with a host of transcript options ranging from uncertified rough-edit transcripts available immediately following adjournment to certified transcripts provided as required, from 10 business days to daily copy.
Standard transcript orders are delivered within 10 business days in digital .pdf and ASCII .txt formats (paper copies available upon request).
Complimentary Services
4-to-a-page condensed transcripts available upon request
additional digital formats compatible with virtually all litigation support software available
“Jeff and his team at WizCap provide exceptionally timely and accurate court reporting and do so at a cost that is fair and reasonable. They are not only a pleasure to work with but are considered the gold standard for court reporting services in Alberta.”
Remote Questionings
WizCap is happy to host your next Questioning remotely via Zoom.
Proceedings held pursuant to the Alberta Protocol for Remote Questioning.
Please direct any further inquiries to info@wizcap.ca
WizCap’s court reporters will host your remote proceedings via Zoom. In our extensive experience, Zoom continues to have the most user-friendly interface and, more importantly, the highest audio/video quality and reliability.
If you are unfamiliar with Zoom, you can check it out at https://zoom.us/
The day prior to your Questioning, your reporter will schedule your meeting session into their Zoom account and will provide the Zoom invitation to all participants via email. Accounts to attend the meeting for all lawyers, clients, and witnesses are free – each party just needs to click on their invitation to attend.
In their impartial role, your reporter controls all meeting settings to ensure everything is secure and appropriate for all involved; e.g., inability to record the meeting, inability for private chat messages being exchanged between parties, inability to save a record of chat messaging, et cetera.
Each party involved requires a reliable internet connection and computer/tablet/smartphone with a microphone and webcam. Dial-in numbers are also available. Having dedicated external microphones is helpful for improved audio quality. Each party logs into the meeting, is displayed visually on screen, and can access the audio via computer or telephone.
All parties – lawyers, clients, and witnesses alike – can attend individually from the comfort of their homes or offices. If counsel prefer to attend with their clients alongside them, that is also an option; however, it is our preference that each participant has their own dedicated video feed.
There is zero extra cost to you, our clients, when proceeding remotely. Only your reporter, as the meeting’s host, requires a paid Zoom subscription to access Zoom’s necessary features. WizCap’s standard sitting fees and page rates apply.
Wireless Realtime
Become increasingly efficient with WizCap’s cutting-edge litigation technology
Realtime court reporters are the most experienced and skilled members of their trade, capable of streaming instantaneous testimony translation to their clients in real time. Proficient at writing both quickly and accurately, realtime reporters provide near-verbatim transcripts during the proceedings, empowering counsel with testimony that is immediately available for reference, annotation, and search, without having to ask for readbacks or take time-consuming notes.
Realtime is a value-added service over and above standard court reporting – additional fees apply. Please direct any further inquiries to info@wizcap.ca
The Wizcap Advantage
All reporter-client computer connectivity issues eliminated by WizCap’s knowledgeable reporting staff, ensuring proceedings commence and proceed as scheduled.
“We recently conducted an arbitration hearing using WizCap’s realtime services and can attest to the benefits afforded to our client by the quality of the service provided. The realtime service was especially useful during the multi-day hearing and promoted efficiency and clarity in the proceedings.”